Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day One: Vienna

So.... I'm a little behind on the blogging thing. But you're gonna be okay. I pinky promise! (that means serious business). 

Anyways. Not only will you be hearing about the events of the trip, I've decided to add a food journal as well, so you can be supremely jealous of all of the delicious foods I'm eating as well as the lovely places that I'm seeing. And that may or may not (will) include the alcoholic beverages that I am legal to consume here. (Sorry, Mom.)

The real first day of this trip was spent on the plane... 9 hours to Frankfurt and another hour on the plane to Vienna. Needless to say, that was a restless night, and I was VERY tired of being on the plane. 

Although, on a side note, the plane that we flew from Denver to Frankfurt was freaking awesome.  It was one of those giant ones with two aisles and a center section, and we got two meals!! The first was dinner: 

Not bad at all for airline food, if I do say so myself. And the second meal was breakfast:

Pretty okay too!! Now, back to the plane. THERE WERE STAIRS. That was probably the best part. You had to walk down stairs to get to the bathrooms. It was pretty freaking awesome if I do say so myself. 

So after we said goodbye to the Frankfurt Airport and made it to Vienna, we met Johan, our tour guide, jumped on out own personal tour bus, and went straight to Schönbrunn Palace. And folks, this place is freaking beautiful. I almost died and went to heaven. Also, cool fact: in the hall of mirrors in the Palace, 6-year-old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart gave one of his very first public appearances for the Queen... and then proceeded to jump on her lap and give her a big kiss on the cheek afterwards. What a stud. 

Here's Schönbrunn:



I have no words.

Yep. It's a fountain. Nicole and I threw coins in and made wishes. So far... mine's coming true ;)

I think that might be the Stephansdom in the distance. I'm probably wrong.

Old and new. Vienna needs construction too, folks!

My entire goal for the trip is fulfilled. I saw this place in a picture and I wanted to take the picture myself. Czech! (Check...Czech....I know.... it was a stretch).

You can take your jaw off the floor now. 

But seriously... one of the most beautiful places ever... right? And then for dinner, we all went to this adorable Italian Restaurant in Vienna (I don't know... don't ask me). We had this DELICIOUS Pumpkin Soup with Crawfish, and then Chicken and Pasta in a tomato-caper Italian Sauce, AND THEN Tiramisu. HAEC DIES!! Oh, and I had my first alcoholic beverage in a public place: a wonderful little mango wine spritzer :) 

And th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks! :)

P to the S:
Leo!! If you're reading this... I want you to know that I thought of you! I flew right by Kassel :)

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