We started with a walking tour of Vienna... and folks, this is a B-E-A-UTIFUL city.
Look at all that architectural wonderful-ness.
I just had to. We don't have cute flower shops like this in the states.
This is a cake. No, I'm not joking.
Hofburg Palace. This is the home of the current government of Vienna.
This was in the courtyard of Hofburg. Some ruler-person dressed up in Romanesqu garb to make him look special. (Yes, I really did pay attention to the tour guide, thank you very much)
Cool horse-person statue. He was on the other side of the Hofburg.
This was the town hall-ish establishment. REALLY? Our town hall is so lame.
GUH. St. Stephen's cathedral.
First of many, MANY ceiling shots from the tour. Their ceilings are so much fancier than ours.
Stairway to heaven... erm... the pulpit.
They hung colored cellophane in front of the windows (hence the club-y vibe to the church).
KLOSTERNEUBERG. This place is just so darn photogenic. Ivy walls, round towers, red roofs? I mean, come on.
My first (and only... ick) beer on the tour. It tasted okay, but sat awfully in my stomach.
And lunch. Salad with chicken. (Sidenote: I tried Wienerschnitzel at this meal. Verdict? Good, but REAL heavy. I'm glad I only had a bite.)
And this, my friends, is the inside of Klosterneuberg.
My head exploded a little when I saw it. I won't lie.
Ladies and gents, this was Anton Bruckner's church. We sang Bruckner. In Bruckner's church....
Guys. I need you to understand that this is the ultimate level of music-nerd-freak-out. Like if this was Music Nerd Hero, this would be the level where all of those little colored circles all blur together and you practically have to have a seizure to get all of them correct. (Guitar Hero reference, guys, COME ON.)
No...? Moving on.
Well, suffice it to say, this was a wonderful day. Good food, good people, good places. I'm officially addicted to Europe.
Toodles for now! :)
(Yes, toodles. You're fine.)
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