Sunday, April 29, 2012

t minus 8

So. I learned how to count (okay, fine, I used my fingers this time. GEEZ.) and I realized that we actually have one more day until the trip than I thought. But that's okay, because I have a million things to do. Here's a sample:

-Presentation on Austrian/Czech sayings, customs, exchange rates, etc. (tomorrow)
-Flash mobs
-Finish up work for conducting/choral methods
-Work my last shift at Sears
-Go shopping with my mom :)

ay ay ay. That's all I have to say.

But things got official on Friday: we got our finalized itineraries, we made our "Haec Dies!" Shirts, and I turned in my loan papers. WHOOO! I'm really going on this trip. 

Speaking of official, at 5:50pm on May 7th, I will be departing the United States on Lufthansa flight #447. (Seat 46G. Yes, that's right. I'm so official I have a seat number. Is it weird that little things like this make me giddy? Probably. It's okay... I'm weird. Anyways...)

Guess what you get to do now? You get to hear about the itinerary of the trip. Don't care? That's too bad. I'm too dang excited not to share, so buckle up!

Tuesday, we're going to Schönbrunn Palace. 
Wednesday, we're going to St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Mozart house, and Klosterneuberg (where we get to perform a concert with Chor Weidling, a local choir. And then party with them afterwards... wootwoot!)
Thursday, we're going to Eisenstadt and Esterhazy Palace (we get to perform an informal concert @ Haydn Hall, known for it's almost perfect acoustics. Heck to the yes.) We also get to see Haydn's crypt (I feel so creepy saying that. We're going to a crypt. Yeah... moving on.) We're also going to travel to Baden for the first day of the Ave Verum Choral Competition.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we're going to be at the Ave Verum Competition. Sunday, we get to go to a church service at St. Stephan Church (OHMAHGOSH!!!) and then we are going to depart for Prague, and on the way, stop in Telč (On the UNESCO World Heritage List-- that means it's old and beautiful, folks.)
{Embarrassing side note: I tried for like 5 minutes to figure out the keyboard shortcut to do the little 'č' thing in that word. Here's how it went down: Option+everydangkeyonthekeyboard... nope... option+shift+everydangkeyonthekeyboard... nope.... Wikipedia.... copy/paste/done. I'm so computer savvy.}
Monday, we're going to Prague Castle (Old Royal Palace, Basilica of St. George, Golden Lane, St. Vitus Cathedral-- where we'll give an informal concert). Then we're going to Old Town Prague for lunch, ad then we'll perform a concert @ St. Nicholas of Old Town. 
Tuesday, we have a full day at leisure to explore Prague (!!!). And that night, we have a dinner cruise on the Vltava/Moldau River. 
Wednesday, we travel back to the good ol' U.S. of A. 


Right now, I'm working on my presentation for Prima tomorrow about Austria/Czech Republic and the sayings and culture and things of that nature. Well, as part of my research, I've been drooling over pictures of Austria for the past 15 minutes. Literally, people, the best kind of research is the kind you get to do on places you're going to be in approximately 8 days. Holy WOW, Batman!! Speaking of the presentation, I should probably stop bragging and maybe finish that. Maybe. You know. (Dr. B's probably reading this and shaking her head at me...)

So, guys, I guess that's all for now. But stay tuned! We have our first choral flash mob tomorrow, and I will (that's a promise) post pictures/videos. 

I leave you with this:

(yes. I get to go here. This is a walkway in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace. *sigh*)

Until tomorrow, lovelies. :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

t minus 9

Well, there are 9 days until my trip.

Let's take a second and... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Okay, I'm good now.

But seriously. My first time over the Atlantic Ocean, and I get to go with a bunch of people I truly enjoy and make wonderful music with a bunch more people who I'm sure I'll enjoy. I'll be honest, though, the enjoyment has taken a while... to.... erm..... blossom. We'll say that. Interestingly enough, though, it actually has, and I actually do enjoy the people I'm in that choir with. Not to mention we've started to really listen to each other and make wonderful music and actually sound really good! 


Right now, I'm really excited to get the finalized itinerary, which should be today, I believe, and get this show-boat on the road.... river.... road-river? Anyways, I also have to turn in my final loan papers today and I will be officially committed, funded, and even more excited. (I'm also excited for the Vaughan Williams concert on Saturday-- and if you're reading this and not planning on going, well, you should. That's all I'm saying.) Oh, and we're making our Haec Dies shirts today (pronounced "Heck D-yes!"**, because we're NERDS). So those should be really cool... don't worry, there will be pictures to follow. 

And that's what's happening in the tour department right now. Well, except for my almost mandatory plug for our concert, so here goes:


th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-that's all for now, folks!

**Disclaimer: Yes, we do ACTUALLY know that "Haec Dies" is pronounced "ehk dee-ehs", or for those of you IPA nerds, [ɛk diɛs]. For goodness sake, people, can't we have some fun?? ;)